Maths Videos

Your path to GCSE success: Discover the latest GCSE Maths videos.

Tips & Tricks Maths Videos

Circle Theorems: Trick for Remembering Angles in the Same Segment

Struggle to remember all the circle theorems? I'll be sharing a fantastic trick to help you remember the circle theorem about angles in the same segment.

How to Solve Simultaneous Equations with Classwiz Calculator

In this video, I'll explain, step-by-step, how to solve simultaneous equations effortlessly using the Classwiz calculator.

How to Create a Table of Values with Classwiz calculator

In this Classwiz Calculator tutorial, I'll guide you through the process of creating a table of values using your calculator.

Circle Theorems: Trick to Remember Angle at Centre is Twice Angle at Circumference

I've got a great memory trick to help you remember that tricky circle theorem - "The Angle at the Centre is Twice the Angle at the Circumference."

How to solve a Quadratic Equation with Classwiz Calculator

I'll explain, step-by-step, how to solve a quadratic equation using the Casio classwiz calculator.

Topic by Topic Maths Videos


We'll explore what a surd is, how to simplify surds, perform operations with surds, expand brackets, rationalise denominators, and tackle a surds exam question step by step.

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