Online Maths Tutoring

Boost confidence as well as grades with one-to-one Maths tutoring

With around a third of GCSE students failing to secure a pass in Maths, qualified and experienced online Maths tutors are in increasing demand.

“Makes every moment of Maths fun”

“The most memorable teaching figure in my life”

“Highly recommend her”

What you get in every single lesson

More reasons why 100's of students choose me for their online Maths tutor.

One-to-one Maths Tutoring

Every lesson is tailored to the individual's specific needs and ability level. Online Maths tutoring provides high-quality interactive lessons with constructive feedback, revision tips and premium resources.

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Improve Maths grades

With high-quality online Maths tutoring, students’ understanding of concepts increases, and their confidence builds. This leads to increased engagement in lessons at school and improved test scores and exam grades.

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Experienced Maths Tutor

Online Maths tutoring from a supportive and energetic subject specialist. I'm a fully qualified and experienced Maths teacher from the UK. I’m up-to-date with the current demands of a changing curriculum and exam boards.

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“Mrs Smith gave me the confidence and encouragement I needed to succeed in Maths. I always felt as if I could ask for help with no judgment. Her teaching style made learning Maths easier and more interesting. She never gave up on anyone, always striving for her students to achieve the best grades they could.”

Grace GCSE Student
Home About Me

About me

I'm a UK fully qualified Mathematics teacher with a BSc Mathematics degree from the University of Exeter.

I have 6+ years of teaching experience, 3 years teaching in the UK and 2 years at Brighton College International School in Bangkok.

I've been tutoring online full time for over a year.

My key skill is being able to build strong, trusting relationships with my students. My students describe me as kind, supportive and engaging. They all say that I make learning Maths fun.

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Online Maths Tutoring FAQs

What are the benefits of online maths tutoring?

Online maths tutoring offers a world of convenience and personalisation. You can learn from the comfort of your own home, saving you time, money and stress. The sessions are tailored to your individual learning style, pace, and needs, using interactive digital tools to enhance understanding. Plus, it's flexible – schedule sessions at times that suit you best.

What technical requirements are needed for online maths tutoring?

Wondering if your tech is up to the task? Fear not. All you need is a stable internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone. We'll also discuss which online platform works best for our sessions – simplicity and reliability are key!

How do online maths tutoring sessions engage students?

Gone are the days of monotonous lectures. Online tutoring is interactive, using tools like digital whiteboards, screen sharing, and interactive exercises. I ensure each session is lively and engaging, keeping you involved and interested.

Is online maths tutoring effective for all age groups?

Absolutely! Whether you're a young learner or an adult brushing up on your skills, online tutoring can be tailored to suit any age and ability. I adapt my teaching style to match your learning pace, ensuring that each session is both productive and enjoyable.

Can online maths tutoring help with specific areas, like algebra or calculus?

Certainly! Whether you're tangled up in trigonometry or puzzled by polynomials, I specialise in breaking down complex topics into understandable segments. I'll help you master specific areas with targeted lessons and practice problems.

How does progress tracking work in online maths tutoring?

It's important to know you're on the right track. I provide regular progress updates, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement. We can also set goals and review them periodically, ensuring that you're making strides towards your maths mastery.

Online Maths tutoring

Get in touch

I am dedicated to creating a supportive and nurturing environment where students’ contributions are valued. Book a free meeting with me today by clicking the button below or send me an email and find out how I can help.

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