Private Maths Tutor

Unlock Your Maths Potential with Private Tutoring

Personalised, professional tutoring at your fingertips – elevate your maths skills from the comfort of your home.

“Makes every moment of Maths fun”

“The most memorable teaching figure in my life”

“Highly recommend her”

Included in Each and Every Lesson

Discover why students choose me as their go-to online private Maths tutor.

Online Maths Tutoring

Having a private online Maths tutor offers the unparalleled convenience of learning from your own home, eliminating the need for travel, and saving precious time and money. It provides a customised learning experience, allowing lessons to be tailored to your specific needs and pace, fostering a deeper understanding and love for maths.

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Boost Your Maths Grades

Enhancing your maths skills can lead to significant improvements in your academic performance. By focusing on key concepts and problem-solving techniques, you can achieve higher grades and gain a deeper understanding of mathematical principles.

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Qualified Maths Tutor

As a qualified Maths tutor, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to each session, ensuring that your learning is grounded in proven methods and up-to-date educational practices. My qualifications are not just about degrees; they represent a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and a passion for teaching them effectively.

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“Mrs Smith is such a great teacher, she helped me so much with Maths when I was struggling. She is so supportive and as a result, I did improve in Maths. The lessons were really fun and engaging. Lots of planning is put into the lessons and it pays off. She would never let anyone give up but instead would encourage them to try again. She is such a great teacher and I highly recommend her.”

Lucy GCSE Student
Home About Me

About me

I hold a BSc in Mathematics from the University of Exeter and am a fully qualified Mathematics teacher in the UK. My teaching journey spans over 6+ years, including 3 years in the UK and 2 years at Brighton College International School in Bangkok.

I have been tutoring online full-time for well over a year, and I have dedicated myself to assisting numerous students in reaching their goals.

My strength lies in establishing trusting relationships with my students. Known for my kindness, supportiveness, and engaging teaching style, I consistently make Maths enjoyable and accessible for all my tutees.

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Private Maths Tutor FAQs

What qualifications should I look for in a private maths tutor?

Ideally, a private maths tutor should hold a degree in mathematics or a related field, coupled with relevant teaching qualifications. Experience in teaching or tutoring maths at various levels is also crucial to ensure they can cater to different learning styles and academic requirements.

How can a private maths tutor help improve my understanding of maths?

A private maths tutor tailors their teaching approach to your individual learning style and pace. They can provide detailed explanations, practical examples, and one-on-one guidance to clarify complex concepts, thereby enhancing your overall understanding and confidence in maths.

What makes private maths tutoring different from classroom learning?

Private maths tutoring offers personalised attention that is often not feasible in a classroom setting. Tutors can focus solely on your specific challenges and adapt their teaching methods to suit your needs, making it a more effective and targeted learning experience.

Can a private maths tutor help with exam preparation?

Absolutely. A private maths tutor can assist with focused exam preparation, including understanding exam formats, practising past papers, and developing effective exam strategies. They can also help in reinforcing key concepts and problem-solving techniques crucial for exams.

How do I choose the right private maths tutor for me?

Consider their qualifications, experience, teaching style, and feedback from other students. It's also important to have an initial discussion with the tutor to ensure their approach aligns with your learning needs and goals. Compatibility and comfort with the tutor are key to a successful learning experience.

Private Maths Tutor

Get in touch

My approach is all about creating a warm, supportive space where your thoughts and efforts are truly valued. Fancy a chat to see how I can help? Just hit the button below for a introductory call, or feel free to pop me an email. I'm here to help!

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