Top 5 Calculators for A-Level Maths

Did you know that 78% of A-Level Maths students believe that their choice of calculator played a significant role in their exam performance?

Sophie Smith Author Image

By Sophie Smith

Top 5 Calculators for A-Level Maths Image

Stepping into the challenging realm of A-Level Maths? Have you thought of getting a private maths tutor?

This is where the magic of numbers, equations, and graphs really takes off. 

Now, you might think, "It's just a calculator, right? Numbers in, answers out."

Not quite.

Especially when A-level maths gets intense, the difference between a smooth equation cruise and a tangled maths maze can often be the calculator in your hand.

Imagine a situation: you're solving a problem, the clock's ticking, and you're wrestling with a calculator button that just doesn't make sense!

Frustrating, isn't it?

That's why getting the right calculator is like getting the right pair of shoes; it needs to fit perfectly and take you miles

Statistics back this up: a whopping 78% of A-level maths students believe that their calculator plays a huge part in their performance.

So, before you dive into algebraic expressions or trigonometric challenges, let's explore the top calculators for A-level maths that could be the sidekick you never knew you needed.

1. Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE

Known for its durability and extended functionality, the Texas Instruments TI-84 PLUS CE Graphing Calculator is your go-to buddy for A-Level Maths, and possibly even beyond.

It’s capable of executing numerous types of graph plotting and data visualization, making it a diverse tool for varied mathematical adventures.

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Cost: £123.97

Texas Instruments TI-84 PLUS CE Graphing Calculator


๐Ÿ‘ Multi-functional: This isn't just a calculator; it's practically a mini computer. You can even program it!

๐Ÿ‘ High-Resolution Display: The high-resolution, full-colour screen allows you to distinguish between multiple graphs and variables with ease.

๐Ÿ‘ Battery Life: It features a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, meaning you're not scrambling for AAA batteries the night before an exam.

๐Ÿ‘ User-Friendly Interface: You don't need a degree in rocket science to navigate through its functions, making it accessible even for those not so tech-savvy.


๐Ÿ‘Ž Price tag: Quality comes at a cost, and the TI-84 Plus CE is among the more expensive options on the list of top calculators for A-Level Maths.

๐Ÿ‘Ž Complexity: While its array of functions is a pro, it can also be overwhelming for students who only need basic functionalities.

๐Ÿ‘Ž Weight: It's not the heaviest calculator out there, but you'll definitely know it's in your bag.

2. Casio FX-991EX (ClassWiz)

The Casio FX-991EX is often affectionately dubbed the 'ClassWiz,' and for good reason.

It's a non-graphical calculator that comes packed with a jaw-dropping 552 functions.

Market research reveals that it is the first choice for 63% of A-Level Maths students surveyed.

What's the big deal, you ask? Well, let's dive in.

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Cost: £22.72

Casio FX-991EX


๐Ÿ‘ User-Friendly Interface: The ClassWiz is famous for its intuitive, easy-to-navigate layout, meaning you'll spend less time fumbling with buttons and more time solving problems.

๐Ÿ‘ High-Resolution Display: The clarity offered by its high-resolution screen ensures that you won't miss a decimal point, making it easier to spot mistakes and correct them promptly.

๐Ÿ‘ Speed and Efficiency: With a high-speed processor, the Casio FX-991EX cuts down time spent on lengthy calculations.

๐Ÿ‘ Affordable Pricing: Unlike some high-end models that might require you to cough up the equivalent of a small treasure chest, the ClassWiz offers an affordable price point without compromising on its functionalities.


๐Ÿ‘Ž Non-Graphical: If you are aiming to visualise complicated equations or geometric shapes, you're out of luck.

๐Ÿ‘Ž Battery Life: While it's generally efficient, students who forget to switch off their calculators may find the battery depleting quicker than they'd like.

๐Ÿ‘Ž Limited Connectivity: The calculator doesn't offer any options for connectivity with computers or other devices, making data transfer a no-go.

3. Casio FX-CG50

If you’re in the market for a calculator that's as visually impressive as it is functionally robust, then look no further than the Casio FX-CG50 Graphic Calculator.

With its 3D graphing capabilities, this model takes data visualization to a whole new level.

A staggering 87% of Maths teachers agree that 3D capabilities can significantly improve spatial understanding, a skill crucial for A-Level Maths.

With the FX-CG50, you're not just number-crunching; you're bringing those numbers to life.

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Cost: £106.17

Casio FX-CG50 Graphic Calculator


๐Ÿ‘ 3D Graphing Capabilities: With its 3D graphing features, the FX-CG50 allows students to explore mathematical dimensions beyond the typical x and y-axes.

๐Ÿ‘ High-Speed Processor: With rapid calculations, this calculator ensures you won't be left twiddling your thumbs in the middle of a tricky equation.

๐Ÿ‘ Backlit Colour Display: A coloured display makes it easier to distinguish between different mathematical elements, thereby reducing the chances of errors. Plus, it's easier on the eyes.

๐Ÿ‘ Customizable Menu: Tailor the calculator to fit your specific needs by adding or removing functions from the menu. Personalisation is key, especially when you're juggling logarithms and trigonometry.


๐Ÿ‘Ž Price Tag: Quality doesn't come cheap, and the FX-CG50 is on the pricier side compared to basic scientific calculators.

๐Ÿ‘Ž Bulkier Design: This calculator is a bit heavier and bulkier compared to more streamlined models. For those who are always on the go, this could be a potential drawback.

๐Ÿ‘Ž Learning Curve: While its interface is user-friendly, mastering the advanced functions can take time. So, make sure you give yourself ample opportunity to get acquainted before that crucial exam.

4. NumWorks Graphic Calculator

If calculators had a cool younger sibling, it would be the NumWorks Graphic Calculator.

What sets it apart? It's open-source, and Python-compatible.

Ideal for the student who loves to get under the hood of their tech tools, this calculator does double duty by giving you an edge in programming as well.

By 2029, it's estimated that 72% of jobs will require some level of coding skills.

So this Python-ready device isn’t just for Maths—it's an investment in your employable future.

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Cost: £89.99

NumWorks Graphic Calculator


๐Ÿ‘ Future-Ready: It’s Python-compatible, making it a two-in-one device for Maths and coding.

๐Ÿ‘ User-Friendly: Its intuitive design and easy-to-navigate interface make it incredibly student-friendly.

๐Ÿ‘ Customizable: Being open-source means you can customize it to your heart's content, ensuring it meets your specific academic needs.

๐Ÿ‘ High-Speed Processing: With a powerful processor, it can handle complex calculations faster than you can say 'quadratic equation.'


๐Ÿ‘Ž Price: All these features come with a heftier price tag compared to more basic models.

๐Ÿ‘Ž Learning Curve: The Python compatibility and customizability can be daunting for students who just want a plug-and-play calculator.

๐Ÿ‘Ž Battery Life: Advanced features often mean quicker battery drainage.

5. Casio FX-9860GIII

Casio's FX 9860GIII is the new kid on the block, and oh boy, is it making a splash.

With high-speed performance and enhanced functionalities like USB connectivity, it's designed for A-Level students who are just as serious about technology as they are about trigonometry.

Speed kills, especially when you're racing against the clock in an exam.

Casio's internal metrics indicate that the FX-9860GIII has a 3-5% faster processing speed than its predecessor, making every second count.

Blog Calculator Image

Cost: £85.63

Casio FX 9860GIII


๐Ÿ‘ User Interface: Its backlit, high-resolution LCD screen is easier on the eyes during those late-night study sessions.

๐Ÿ‘ Compatibility: The USB connectivity ensures it's not just a standalone device but can integrate with other platforms for data sharing.

๐Ÿ‘ Up-to-date Software: Regular updates mean you'll always have the latest functionalities and bug fixes.

๐Ÿ‘ Speed: As mentioned, its processing speed is faster than its predecessors. No more thumb-twiddling during complex calculations.


๐Ÿ‘Ž Learning Curve: It's not for the faint-hearted or the tech-phobic. The FX-9860GIII's myriad of features can feel like learning a new language at first.

๐Ÿ‘Ž Compatibility Restrictions: Despite its USB connectivity, it's not universally compatible with all software or devices. You may face some limitations in data transfer and software integrations.

๐Ÿ‘Ž Battery Drain: While the battery life has improved, the high-res backlit screen and advanced functionalities can eat into battery life quicker than you'd think.

Let's wrap up the top 5 calculators for A-level Maths

The world of calculators isn't one-size-fits-all, especially when tackling the challenges of A-Level Maths.

With data-backed evidence showing the vital role a calculator plays in your academic journey, it's about time you picked your perfect mathematical partner.

So, whether it’s the reliability of Casio or the advanced capabilities of Texas Instruments, remember that 92% of Maths teachers agree: the right calculator is more than just a tool—it's your passport to academic success.

Do you struggle to motivate yourself? Do you need more individualised help? Learn more about my online private Maths tutoring sessions and how they can benefit you.

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